Validate your TIN number now

TIN Check Azerbaijan (AZ)

In Azerbaijan, the TIN for individuals is issued by the Ministry of Taxes and only for individuals that have entrepreneurial activities. Individuals that don’t have selling activities should not be registered as a taxpayer and only receive a Personal Identification Number (PIN). For Entities, all must have a TIN issued by the Ministry of Taxes.

To validate a tax identification number (TIN) from Azerbaijan, the TIN must be placed on top of it, which must obey the following format:

For Individuals (TIN)

The (TIN) assumes the following format:
• NNNNNNNNN2 (Total of 10 digits)

N identifies that it must be a numeric digit.
2 identifies the last digit that is always 2 for individuals.

The Personal identification number (PIN) assumes the following format:
• NLLLNL (Total of 7 digits)

N identifies that it must be a numeric digit.
L identifies that it must be a letter.

For Entities (TIN)

The TIN assumes the following format:
• NNNNNNNNN9 (10 digits)

N identifies that it must be a numeric digit.
9 identifies the last digit that is always 9 for entities.

1525855852 5VBK5VR 1325678851