Validate your TIN number now

TIN / CPF / CNPJ Check Brazil

To validate a Brazilian Tax Identification Number (TIN ), you must put the TIN , CPF or CNPJ number on top, which must obey the following format:

For Individuals (TIN / CPF)

The Taxpayer indentification number (TIN) assumes the following format:
• NNN.NNN.NNN-NN (11 digits)

CPF stands for “Individual Taxpayer Registry” and is equivalent to the tax identification number (TIN) for individuals.

For Entities (TIN / CNPJ)

The Taxpayer indentification number (TIN) assumes the following format:
• NN.NNN.NNN / NNNN-NN (14 digits)

The CNPJ stands for “National Register of Legal Entities” and is equivalent to tax identification number (TIN) for legal entities.

N identifies that it must be a numeric digit.

After validation, additional information about the introduced CPF or CNPJ will be made available.

12.345.678/0001-95 11.444.777/0001-61 470.392.165-07