Validate your TIN number now

TIN Check Dominica

The TIN/TAXPAYER NUMBER is a numeric code which is issued to Individuals, and Entities upon application. The codes are generated by the Tax Software (SIGTAS) in sequential order, and once issued are used by Individuals in respect of all tax types. The TIN is concatenated with the one digit check code. The Taxpayer Number is the first six numbers of the TIN. A TIN would only change if the circumstance of a business change. For example the business changes from being a Sole Proprietorship to being a Corporation in which case a new TIN would be issued. The TINs issued to the Individuals do not change.

TINs are not issued automatically in this Jurisdiction (no instances). TINS will be assigned to an Individual or Business when the Individual or Representative applies for registration or upon receipt of Third Party information suggesting that the Individual or Entity should be registered for tax purposes. That Individual or Business will then be registered and be issued a TIN based on the information received or at hand.

TAX PAYER NUMBERS are used for tax and customs purposes. They can only be found on documents generated for these purposes.

The non-natural person or company will receive a registration certificate upon registration,which clearly depicts the TIN.
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