Validate your TIN number now

TIN Check Mozambique (MZ)

In Mozambique, the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) for Individuals is the unique tax identification number (NUIT) issued by the Mozambique Tax Authority. For Entities and Individuals, the NUIT is used as the TIN for tax, as fiscal declarations.

To validate a tax identification number from Pakistan, the TIN / NUIT must be placed on top of it, which must obey the following format:

For Individuals (NUIT) and Entities (NUIT)

The TIN / NUIT assumes the following format:
• NNNNNNNNN (Total of 9 digits)

N identifies that it must be a numeric digit.

After validation, additional information on the TIN / NUIT introduced will be made available

400092397 400250863 102816676 300080677