Validate your TIN number now

TIN Check Panamá

The Single Taxpayer Registry (Registro Único de Contribuyente, RUC) is the Tax Identification Number of every Panamanian natural or legal person. The RUC is therefore an individual unique number that identifies and distinguishes natural or legal persons for tax purposes. Without this identification number, stakeholders will not be able to exercise any commercial dealings in Panama. It is important to note that, although it may not be feasible to exercise an economic activity in Panama without having a RUC, every Legal Person registered in Panama whether it operates or not in the Republic of Panama must have a RUC.

The RUC of a natural person consists of the number of their personal identity card accompanied by a check digit (dígito verificador, DV) allocated by the General Directorate of Revenue (Dirección General de Ingresos, DGI), while for a legal person corresponds to their assigned registration number at the Public Registry (Registro Público) followed by either a combination of other registry numbers provided by the Public Registry Office (i.e. microjacket, roll, or image) or, by the year of its incorporation, with a DV as well.

Those who, due to their migratory nature, cannot meet the registration requirements for a natural person’s RUC must be assigned a Tax Number (Número Tributario, NT), which is the identification of such taxpayer for tax matters. The RUC of foreign natural persons will be identified with the prefix NT.

In the cases of Legal Persons that do not have Legal Status, because they were born in accordance with special laws, a Tax Number (NT) will be assigned to identify the taxpayer and the responsibility of such taxpayer, before the Tax Administration.

Tax Numbers (NT) must also be supplemented with a DV.

The Tax Identification Number in Panama (RUC) is assigned once it has been requested before the General Directorate of Revenue of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Everyone living in Panama can request a RUC or NT.

The assigned RUC is unique and non-transferable for each taxpayer. In case of modification of the RUC data, said modifications must be communicated to the DGI.
8-926-1601 000001-8001 155986022-2-2019 123456789-L-2050 26631254-3-2020