Validate your TIN number now

TIN Check Philippines

For individuals / entities :

All Filipino and foreign citizens who are required by law to pay taxes in the Philippines must first register with the BIR to secure a TIN. But before you apply for a TIN, you have to know the correct type of taxpayer you should register for.

The TIN consists of 9-12 digits; the first nine digits are actual TIN, whereas the last three digits are the branch code (for corporate entities). But it is 000 for a singular citizen.

The first nine digits or the original number of TIN identifies the citizenship category. TINs beginning with 1-9 refers to individuals. If a TIN starts with zero (0), it relates to a partnership business.

Again, the first three numbers indicate the issue period of TIN. For example, before introducing the Integrated Tax Structure (ITS) in 1998, TINs were provided starting with 000 for businesses and 900 for individual taxpayers.

353 766 854 000 000-477-863-000